Gabinete is a short documentary web series of Chilean visual artists that, through each chapter and as a whole, wants to show the motivations of contemporary art in the last decades, from the late 70s until today, trying to discover both the formal characteristics of practice as the inspiration that underlies to each creation.
Audiovisual pieces that, through their narratives, want to provide an account of how the human is a being that, in action, can build an identity, and also they seek to go into the inner world of the artist, reveal the intentions and impulses that have led them to create and to keep working. A configuration of the discipline and work in Chile has been building an image to be perceived abroad, which could respond to the same indicators and paradigms that have made the national identity.
Watch the full project here:
Dirección Felipe Ríos
Editorial Carolina Martínez
Fotografía Enrique Warnken y Eduardo Bunster
Producción Ejecutiva Catalina Vergara y Fernando Bascuñan
Asistencia de Dirección Nicolas Lira
Montaje Pascual Sotomayor y Catalina Marín
Sonido Nicolás Munizaga, Claudio Vargas y Peter Rosenthal
Post Producción de Audio Playhead·London
Música y Diseño Sonoro Lister Rossel y Utkucan Eken
Diseño Gráfico Natalia Cerda
Corrección de Color Nicolás Ponce
Grip Pepe Blanco y Daniel Miranda
Producida por SAGRADO CINE